Audiobook Edge Interviews: Rachel Jamieson – Music Composer

  Introduction: Let’s try something a little different and chat with a lady who love music. Rachel Jamieson isn’t the author or illustrator for Mandy and Mitch and the Big Brave Boots. She’s the musician. First, let’s meet the lady. About this Work: What brought you to working on this project? I was approached by…

Awesome Audiobooks: 4.5/5 The Pygmy Dragon by Marc Secchia

Awesome Audiobooks: 4.5/5 The Pygmy Dragon by Marc Secchia

  Introduction: Whenever you pick up a book by Marc Secchia, you can expect epic adventure. He’s created quite a wide world of dragons, shapeshifters, and humans locked in strife. The Review: Summary: Pip gets snatched away from her family and put in a zoo. There she befriends Hoonago (sorry about spelling, I heard the…

Awesome Audiobooks: The Automaton’s Wife by Vered Ehsani

Awesome Audiobooks: The Automaton’s Wife by Vered Ehsani

Introduction: This story picks up roughly where The Ghosts of Tsavo left off. The series is pretty cool if you’re into strange characters. The narrator’s perfect for the part. Review: 5/5 Charming, Witty, Weird Summary: Bee’s back and she’s got her hands full. There’s murder and mayhem afoot and bigger crises like warding off would-be…

Audiobook Reviews: Christmas and Ghosts – 3 Books by Paul Fitz-George

Audiobook Reviews: Christmas and Ghosts – 3 Books by Paul Fitz-George

Something New, Something Strange … The review this round is going to be a tad different than normal. I’m reviewing three different books by the same author. Paul Fitz-George writes about ghosts. He’s a bit of a supernatural historian. The Reviews … 4/5 The West End Ghost Book: A Ghostly Gallivant Through London’s Haunted Heartland…

Awesome Audiobooks: 4.5/5 Lost and Found by Amy Shojai

Awesome Audiobooks: 4.5/5 Lost and Found by Amy Shojai

Introduction: The story falls in the category of “far-fetched” but still fun. Summary: It’s like the adult version of a horrible, no good, very bad day. This woman – September Day – knows how to find trouble in spades. Additional Comments: Warning: Contains strong language throughout. And a bit of violence. Plot’s kind of out…

Audiobook Reviews: 4/5 A Memory of Grief by Dale T. Phillips

Audiobook Reviews: 4/5 A Memory of Grief by Dale T. Phillips

Introduction: The cover’s a bit more haunting than it probably ought to be. It’s one of the few times that I don’t think it fits well unless you want to get deeply philosophical about the main character’s mood. Summary: Zack Taylor’s told his best friend just committed suicide, but he knows better … and he’s…

4 More Freebies – Grab Bag – Children’s, Romance, Fantasy

4 More Freebies – Grab Bag – Children’s, Romance, Fantasy

Introduction: We’ve moved from weird to romance. Now, let’s settle on sweet and nostalgic and romantic. Eh, life’s like a box of chocolates and all that. Children’s Tale He Whistles for the Cricket by Gwen Walker I can’t make heads or tails of that title, but the story sounds lovely. Second Chance at Love Still…

A Mysterious Collection of Cozy, Clean, Free Mysteries

A Mysterious Collection of Cozy, Clean, Free Mysteries

Introduction: After so much strangeness, I’m pleased to present something sort of normal. Okay, so people die, but what’s life without a little mystery. Each of these little gems is categorized as cozy, except the last, which I’d say is more suspense. Winner of the most interesting title award: Raining Men and Corpses by Anne…

4 More Free Science Fiction and Fantasy Books

4 More Free Science Fiction and Fantasy Books

Introduction: And we’re back with more fantasy. This time, I’m chucking in the science fiction option too. YA Paranormal Romance: Starstruck by Brenda Hiatt Arguably one of the few genres that fit in the “not my thing” category, but they’re popular. Oh, so popular. I do love the cover. Epic Fantasy: Slumbering by C.S. Johnson…