image from here:


Yifei Liu as Mulan.

Donnie Yen plays Commander Tung.

Jason Scott Lee plays Bori Khan, the Rouran invader. Though his looks in this one go for a Jason Momoa Aquaman scruffy vibe.


Hua Mulan is kinda a disappointment to her family because she’s overly adventurous. But when war breaks out across Imperial China, she steals her father’s conscription scroll and pretty sword and joins the army.

Additional Comments:

  • This isn’t the Mulan you remember from 1998. That one was animated, filled with amazing songs, and has a charming minidragon and cricket to keep our girl company. Still, this one’s a decent adaptation of the story.
  • This version adds in a witch, Xianniang, who’s helping the bad guys, but kinda has a soft spot for the plucky heroine.
  • My first introduction to Donnie Yen was in Rogue One, but he’s good here too.
  • Covid kinda hit this movie hard in the box office, but it’s still worth watching. I’m part of the latecomers who refused to pay $30 extra to Disney to watch it earlier than the general release on Disney Plus. I understand why they want to recoup their losses, but the Disney Plus year subscription is barely 2.5x that amount. It makes no sense unless they had some other SWAG program or charity thing attached to it.
  • Story 4/5: It’s different in many key points than the “original” Disney version, and I think that’s going to be a point of contention for many people. However, if taken as a separate entity, it’s a decent movie.
  • Action 4/5: The action’s well done and charming. I especially love the scene just before the avalanche.
  • Dialogue 4/5: Not the movie’s strongest point, but it fulfills the purpose.
  • If you want mindless reading, go read the Wikipedia controversies surrounding the movie. Kinda makes me pity Disney because people are absolutely ridiculous. I do sympathize with them cutting poor Captain Shang out of the story.


Worth watching. Don’t think this alone would be enough to make me buy Disney Plus, but it’s a nice bonus.

Audiobook Promotions …

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Many of my 42 audible titles are listed on Audiobooks Unleashed.
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Awakening – Redeemer Chronicles Book 1, MG fantasy (Amazon) (free codes)
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Reclaim the Darklands – Redeemer Chronicles Book 3, MG fantasy (Amazon) (free codes)
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Devya’s Children Series Links:

Ashlynn’s Dreams Shorts – short stories featuring Jillian. (Amazon) (free codes)
The Dark Side of Science – official prequel to Devya’s Children; Genetically altered kids fight for the right to live. (Amazon) (Please email devyaschildren @ for free codes)
Ashlynn’s Dreams – Genetically altered Dream Shaper learns her gift. (Amazon) (free codes)
Nadia’s Tears – Jillian tries to awaken her sister, Nadia, from a coma. (Amazon) (free codes)
Malia’s Miracles – Jillian and her siblings try to save a friend’s mother. (Amazon) (free codes)
Varick’s Quest – Jillian and Danielle get kidnapped. Nadia’s also in trouble. (Amazon) (free codes)
More Scifi:
Reshner’s Royal Ranger (epic sci-fi) just made it there. (Amazon) (free codes)

Guardian Angel Files:

Spirit’s Bane – Allister and Mina are training to be Guardians. Satan’s out to get them. (Amazon) (free codes)
Kindred Spirits – Mina’s exiled to Earth. Allister’s stuck in the Heavens. (Amazon) (free codes)

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