
Eventful, quite violent prequel to The Crimson Claymore. Arria loves her mother so much she’s willing to use dark magic in a desperate attempt to save her.

Additional Comments:

–        Content Warnings: Fantasy violence, quite a bit of it. Decapitations, torture, rape, imprisonment, blood sacrifices, if it’s violent and dark it’s probably at least talked about in here.

–        This story is equally about Starlyn and her sister, Arria with a wee bit about their mother.

–        World Building 4/5: The author has a complex and rich world filled with several races. The focus is not on humans, which is refreshing for a fantasy tale.

–        I kind of wanted to know more about the mage. It’s been a while since I heard The Crimson Claymore, but I think it might be the same mage.

–        Audio 2/5: The narrator is okay, but the audio quality is poor. There’s a tinny quality that makes it sound like it’s coming through a can.



If you’ve enjoyed The Crimson Claymore, this story is a nice way to get re-acquainted with the characters.


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Amazon Prime

The Collins Case – 2 FBI agents track down a kidnapped family. Kid friendly.

If fantasy’s more your thing, go Redeemer Chronicles. The first, Awakening, is available as an audiobook.

Ashlynn’s Dreams Shorts – a kid deals with her parents’ divorce, bullies, and the wonder of discovery.

Try The Dark Side of Science – Genetically altered kids fight for the right to live.


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