3.0/5 Mixed Bag of Short Stories


The first and second stories kind of blended in together. I had to restart the audiobook to even remember what the first one was about. I guess I should probably evaluate them separately because they’re very different tales.


Additional Comments:

– In the Business: 3/5 I totally forgot the story existed in the set.

– The Joker: 3.5/5 Politics isn’t really my thing but this story had a nice balance. Not sure it was really a happy ending sort, but there was a decent sense of closure. I found “riffle, riffle, riffle, bridge” really annoying to hear in audio.

– Dolly: 4.5/5 Hands-down my favorite. There wasn’t really a sense of suspense or danger, but you could see the quiet frustration of an old story coming back to threaten a current career.

– Escaping Avila Chase: 2/5 I liked the main character at first and probably would have enjoyed the story if it was way shorter. As it was, his obsessing just got annoying.

– Several stories didn’t really resolve one or more of the major threads, especially the last one, which was disappointing. Probably closer to what happens in real life, but still disappointing.

– Characters are realistic, probably too much so. They’re not really shining examples of people I’d like to know better. I really like being able to root for characters, and nobody here stood out as somebody I could stand, except maybe Katherine Hertzfeld-Doll.

– Overall, it’s an okay collection. Since the last tale sticks with you the most just because of its position, I ended up not really loving the whole collection and that’s probably unfair to the individual stories.



If politics and realism are important points for you in short stories, give these a go.



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