3.5/5 Murdered by Paul Alexander
Narrated by Paul Christy
The ins and outs of the cold case 1986 murder of Sherri Rae Rasmussen.
Additional Comments:
- Hard to connect with most of the people here. (The cheating husband, spurned ex, innocent, dumb woman and murder victim.)
- About the only person to admire is the cold case cop and I can’t even remember his name.
- About the only ones worth pitying are the victim’s parents.
- It’s a classic case of jealousy.
- Hard to believe people are that dumb but I guess the heart wants what it wants.
Not the most satisfying true crime tale.

4/5 Little Slaughterhouse on the Prairie
A chilling, somewhat unsatisfying tale of a 19th century family of serial killers. The Benders reminded me of the family from the X-files episode called Home.
Additional Comments:
- The book kind of skips around a lot, but the heart of the story is still disturbing.
- Kind of hard to believe they could get away with that many killings but those were different times. People didn’t have the luxury of a cell phone in hand to keep abreast of news.
- The author goes through about 4 possible endings for the family.
- Sad to think they probably got away with it. That is the unsatisfying part.
Interesting and dark tale of many gruesome murders.
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Many of my 57 audible titles are listed on Audiobooks Unleashed.
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Note: Filter by US if you’re looking for those codes as many titles are out.
Ones I think may still have US codes: Reshner’s Royal Ranger, Never Again, Innova, The Golden City Captives, The Holy War, Reclaim the Darklands, Eagle Eyes, Treachery Makes it Tense, Ashlynn’s Dreams Shorts, The Dark Side of Science, Ashlynn’s Dreams, Nadia’s Tears, Malia’s Miracles, and Varick’s Quest
There are plenty of UK codes, but not many US ones left.
Review copies for many titles are available from StoryOrigin.
Redeemer Chronicles (Fantasy)
Awakening – Redeemer Chronicles Book 1, MG fantasy (Amazon) (free codes)
The Holy War – Redeemer Chronicles Book 2, MG fantasy (Amazon) (free codes)
Reclaim the Darklands – Redeemer Chronicles Book 3, MG fantasy (Amazon) (free codes)
River’s Edge Ransom – Prequel to Redeemer Chronicles (Amazon) (email devyaschildren @ gmail.com for free codes)