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Narrated by Paul Heitsch

Run Time: 9 hrs and 28 mins

Performance 4 stars, story 2.5 stars.


This is a rambling account of stupid people. Rich, stupid people.

Additional Comments:

  • This is one of my first forays into true crime as a genre. My tenure here might be short. This was kinda boring.
  • I think it could have unfolded in about 4 hours, tops.
  • The author goes on major tangents that have zip to do with the murder. I don’t need to know the history of Reno to get to the murder mystery here.
  • Once upon a time, there was a sleazy, charismatic lawyer named Larry who had a drinking problem and a weakness for women and no ability to learn from past mistakes. Wife one, understandable. Wife two. Okay, okay, we all make mistakes. Wives 3-5?? Like yo, don’t get married unless you want to get taken to the cleaners, again.
  • Wife 5 for Larry was a doozy. She was a petty criminal turned big time by bigger opportunities. She won’t go down as the world’s smoothest crook. If fraudulent check writing were an Olympic sport, she’d at least make it there.
  • About an hour in to the actual story of Larry’s history (so about 5 hours into the book), I’m like, wow, this guy’s criminally dumb when it comes to his personal life.
  • Lauren and Sarah weren’t much more sympathetic as characters. Their life choices went from bad to worse. In that sense, it’s just kind of sad.
  • The tone of the story was so matter-of-fact that nobody came off as even remotely somebody you could root for. The cops were glossed over.
  • The performance was fine, though with 2/3 of the main people being women, it kind of would have made more sense to hire a lady to do the narration.
  • This book pretty much gives shady lawyers their bad reputation. Ambulance chasing personal injury lawyers just looking for a payday and cooking their own books.


It’s really, really difficult to feel sorry for these people. Any of them. The book would have been much better if it focused some on the cops and their pursuit.

About the only life lesson in here is to avoid sleazy law offices like a plague.

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Awakening – Redeemer Chronicles Book 1, MG fantasy (Amazon) (free codes)
The Holy War – Redeemer Chronicles Book 2, MG fantasy (Amazon) (free codes)
Reclaim the Darklands – Redeemer Chronicles Book 3, MG fantasy (Amazon) (free codes)
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Devya’s Children Series Links:

Ashlynn’s Dreams Shorts – short stories featuring Jillian. (Amazon) (free codes)
The Dark Side of Science – official prequel to Devya’s Children; Genetically altered kids fight for the right to live. (Amazon) (Please email devyaschildren @ gmail.com for free codes)
Ashlynn’s Dreams – Genetically altered Dream Shaper learns her gift. (Amazon) (free codes)
Nadia’s Tears – Jillian tries to awaken her sister, Nadia, from a coma. (Amazon) (free codes)
Malia’s Miracles – Jillian and her siblings try to save a friend’s mother. (Amazon) (free codes)
Varick’s Quest – Jillian and Danielle get kidnapped. Nadia’s also in trouble. (Amazon) (free codes)
More Scifi:
Reshner’s Royal Ranger (epic sci-fi) just made it there. (Amazon) (free codes)

Guardian Angel Files:

Spirit’s Bane – Allister and Mina are training to be Guardians. Satan’s out to get them. (Amazon) (free codes)
Kindred Spirits – Mina’s exiled to Earth. Allister’s stuck in the Heavens. (Amazon) (free codes)

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