3.45/5 Fun Fluff for Cat Fans
*will try to keep this spoiler free until after ads
Jem’s dead. She’s also a cat. She ends up in a weird cat heaven of sorts. Her sole goal is to make it back to Molly and Nick. In the afterlife, she meets several of Molly and Nick’s old cats.
Additional Comments:
- It’s cute. It’s unique.
- Characters 4/5: Jem’s cute. The rest of the eclectic ghost cast is sort of forgettable, but there are some really great dynamics of love and hate and jealousy. It’s like middle school.
- World-building 4/5: The world created is fine fantasy in that it’s plausible and well-described.
- Plot 2/5: It’s pretty much one random event after another meandering to nowhere. I guess you could say it’s about Jem’s emotional journey, but I’m used to more action in stories.
- Audiobook version is fun, though I will say that Marmalade’s voice got very old, very quickly. Thankfully, she’s really only prominent in the first third of the book.
- Can’t make heads or tails of what the title has to do with the story.
Although clearly kid-friendly, I’m not exactly buying into the idea of this book actually being aimed at kids in grades 4-7. I’d broaden the general appeal to “people who love cats.”
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Amazon Prime
The Collins Case – 2 FBI agents track down a kidnapped family. Kid friendly.
If fantasy’s more your thing, go Redeemer Chronicles. The first, Awakening, is available as an audiobook.
Ashlynn’s Dreams Shorts – a kid deals with her parents’ divorce, bullies, and the wonder of discovery.
Try The Dark Side of Science – Genetically altered kids fight for the right to live.
Spoiler talk:
- Continued thoughts on plot: When they were meeting to help Rusty, did they actually do anything? I got the feeling they met and sort of sent him positive vibes.
- The whole check in process, training process, etc was cool, but it never went anywhere.
- They’re already dead, so there wasn’t much sense of danger or suspense.
- The story doesn’t have much closure except that Jem seems to have accepted her fate.