Rey tries to enlist Luke Skywalker’s help while the Resistance fights for survival.
Additional Comments:
– As with The Force Awakens, there are about four main, interwoven threads to the story, focusing on Poe and the Resistance, Rey and Luke, Finn and Rose, and Kylo Ren. The editing is fairly decent in terms of balancing how much screen-time each major thread gets.
– Porgs = useless but absolutely adorable.
– The franchise has definitely been Disney-fied. That’s not necessarily a good or bad thing, just a way of life.
– I enjoyed the movie a lot, though probably not quite so much as The Force Awakens. The main turn-off for me is simply it being the middle of a trilogy. There are a lot of open threads at the end of this story. As a huge fan of closure, that’s annoying to me.
I probably won’t see it quite so many times as I saw The Force Awakens (14), but I will definitely watch it a few more times in theaters and buy the Blu-ray when it’s available.
I’ll have a spoiler-talk review up soon too since I’m assuming most of the die-hards have seen it already.
I’m not sure if I’ll read the book or listen to the audiobook. I think the book has a lot of potential to expand on things, but I did not enjoy their last pick for an author to do the novelization. This round should be better, but I’m just hesitant.
Come back for the spoiler talk…