Narrated by Benjamin Fife
*Discussion may contain spoilers*
A prequel of sorts/ retelling for A Christmas Carol. This focuses largely on Ebenezer Scrooge’s life from birth to death and everything in between.
Additional Comments:
– It’s entirely too long. This story could have been adequately told in about 9 hrs. It took 25 minutes to say “hey, I have a story to tell you.” The style uses an excessive amount of words.
– One character did not get his comeuppance. That ticked me off. One did, that was satisfying.
– The character development of Scrooge from naive kid to tool for the wicked to curmudgeon to saint was fun to see.
– Quite a few sections repeated conversations. I get why-because it was often adding a different perspective – but it’s still annoying to hear sections repeated word for word. There was a nice song included, but even that, we don’t need to hear several times.
– The performance was great. Benjamin Fife was a good choice for the character.
– The premise of the story – that mankind’s purpose is to serve others and earn a happy afterlife – is inherently flawed but still comforting during the holiday season. (Ie. Ebenezer’s good deeds being counted as part of redemption for somebody else.)
– Ebenezer often made infuriating leaps of logic even after getting a prime example of things being different. (Ie. His insistence that he would die on the date he saw in the stone during the vision. He knew for a fact things could change because he changed Tim’s fortunes already.)
- I had to stop listening a few times.
– The closing section took like two hours. The tie ins to A Christmas Carol were interesting but took 14 hours to reach. It’s not a traditional story in the sense of having a distinct climax near the end. There are a few ups and downs instead.
– I liked Belle. She was a little too perfect, but since the story was from the perspective of a guy who outright idolized her, it works.
If you enjoy tie ins to classic works and can listen for 17plus hours, this is a good book to try.
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Devya’s Children Series Links:
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Guardian Angel Files:
Spirit’s Bane – Allister and Mina are training to be Guardians. Satan’s out to get them. (Amazon) (free codes)
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