Narrated by Kathleen Li
Run Time: 7 hrs and 10 mins
*Disclaimer: this is not a book I would have picked up from the description.
*Mild spoilers possible in discussion.
Felicia and Matt embark on an odd relationship experiment in an attempt to do some good and deal with pain from their pasts.
Additional Comments:
- 3/5 Plot: There’s not much action. Okay, so there’s zip in terms of action. Some references to past action, but absolutely nothing in the current timeline. But there’s still a series of events that unfold and character choices being made here. A lot of it is far-fetched, but then again, many books have far-fetched plots. They talk. They space out. They talk some more, walk in the woods, and talk some more.
- 2.5/5 Suspension of Disbelief (Coincidences Abound): So, the MC insults a bunch of academics, and this alone gets the other MC to like her immensely? The MC also is a mathematical genius and just happens to meet an abused kid who’s a mini-me?
- 4/5 Main Characters: Felicia’s mood swings are interesting, but I probably would have put the book down ¼ in because of them. Her past is tragic, yet her mathematical genius lets her sort of cope. Matt’s an angel. He’s fun to read about but he’s preposterously OP’d when it comes to “good” and “desirable mating skills” if you want to be coldly clinical about it. (Tall, handsome, former soldier, wounded warrior, hero, can cook amazingly, can build stuff, etc) Nicole’s probably the most realistic character, math genius thing aside. She’s a survivor, but not a fighter.
- This is a personal bias, but I don’t really like flashbacks and this book is about 80% flashbacks.
- 4/5 Unique factor. Not sure I’ve ever read a book with a MC with Borderline personality disorder.
- 3/5 Felicia’s and Nicole’s tragic pasts are WAY too similar. To be clear, it’s not hard to believe that two girls growing up face sexual assault and abuse, that’s just a sad part of society. What’s hard to sort is the other details. Abusive brothers. Deadbeat dads. Mothers who tried to save them. Helping along the drug trade but certainly not partaking of drugs.
- 4/5 Reading: Solid performance.
- 4/5 Ending: Everything works out perfectly. Yay. Happy endings. While that’s to be expected, I think everybody was too accommodating. Not one person who heard their plans was like y’all out of your blessed, naïve little heads?
- Content Warnings: Talk of abuse. Random curse words.
It’s an odd, but oddly beautiful modern fairy tale wherein two wounded people unite to save a third.
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Devya’s Children Series Links:
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Ashlynn’s Dreams – Genetically altered Dream Shaper learns her gift. (Amazon) (free codes)
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Guardian Angel Files:
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