Narrated by Kathleen Li
3.5 stars story, 4/5 stars performance
*Spoilers possible in the discussion.
A dying man passes on some wood pieces to a friend.
Additional Comments:
- The story wasn’t quite sure what it wanted to be. It started out as normal contemporary with a little bit of paranormal, then flipped straight to time travel. I guess it could be seen as fantasy, but it’d be better off in a subgenre of scifi like time travel.
- It’s a highly repetitive story that’s about 5 hours too long. I get why the multiple versions of the little side story are told (Snake vs Eagle, Whale vs. Eagle), but it’s still annoying to hear almost the same story with slight variations about 6 times.
- Acknowledging a problem 7 times (you could change the past for the worse or for the better) is not really addressing it.
- There are some continuity mistakes that may have been done purposefully? One character is supposed to join the confederate army then later he’s sneaking behind confederate lines.
- The story is definitely unique, but skips around and lacks focus. It starts off with a sentient tree. Then a Native American woman. Then, it’s about John and his connection to the guy who dies. BTW, love that guy. He has the most personality of all of the characters. Then it becomes about Maggie for a hot second before flipping to be about Emily (John’s wife) and Owiyahl. About mid-way through the book, it concentrates heavily on Emily and sticks with her for most of the book, besides a rather longwinded tangent to follow her mother.
- Narration’s nicely handled. Hat’s off to the narrator for pronouncing Owiyahl (sounded like Oleeo in the audiobook). Never would have pronounced it that way, but much easier to listen to than read something like that. It was pretty easy to keep track of who’s who.
- Emily’s father (Bill) and her mother (Lucille) don’t feel very realistic. I guess some marriages end up like theirs, but it just seems like people at the end of this story have 0 emotions left. They’re just like “yeah, that’s life. Shucks. Let’s move on and be happy.”
- Relatively clean despite about 3 almost rapes.
If you like time travel stories and tales that weave in Native American lore, this is probably gonna be something you want to try.
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