***Any spoiler comments will be after the ads***
5/5 Review of Hunter Killer Surprisingly Suspenseful
The trailer isn’t completely honest about everything in here, but it’s good enough to warrant a look. I was totally expecting Olympus has Fallen and London has Fallen, but it’s more like Enigma Code crossed with Independence Day (sans aliens) and The Hunt for Red October. There’s quite a bit of suspense.
Additional Comments:
– The story follows two main halves and a third subplot. The USS Arkansas and the Special Forces team are the main arcs. I found the weaving together of the two pretty seamless. A few points might have dragged, but overall, the screentime for these sections worked. The third thread in the tale involved the admiral and NSA agent overseeing everything.
– You don’t really get to know most of the characters’ names. There’s just too many of them that aren’t mentioned more than once. And there are a lot of extras because it’s a submarine.
– Who is this movie for? Fans of Clive Cussler books and military fiction will probably enjoy this story.
– Even though you could probably predict the story start to finish, they manage to throw in a few surprises, which I appreciated.
– Suspenseful: It’s stuffed full of moments where you’re not sure which way things are going to go, but you’re sort of just waiting for the whole world to burn down.
It’s worth watching once or twice on a big screen. I’m not sure if it’s a own-forever-because-it’s-the-best-movie-ever type, but I enjoyed it a lot. Seeing it from the comforts of your home is fine, but I think it’s the type where the big screen of an actual theater will make everything seem larger than life.
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Amazon Prime
The Collins Case – 2 FBI agents track down a kidnapped family.
Ashlynn’s Dreams Shorts – a kid deals with her parents’ divorce, bullies, and the wonder of discovery.
Try The Dark Side of Science – Genetically altered kids fight for the right to live.
Spoiler Section:
– Almost cried early on this one. I forget which part.
– I liked that the seal team/ spec ops guys were fairly realistic (for a movie). You hardly knew their names, and they understood their role well. They’re ghosts. Well-armed ghosts.
– P.S. This is a version of history where Clinton won the presidency. They pretty much couldn’t be more obvious about that right down to the hairstyle.
– For one of these crazy scenario type movies, it’s terrifyingly plausible. There are probably a lot more checks and balances in place to keep things from spiraling out of control. Still, one has to wonder what really goes on behind closed doors. What are the missions the Special Forces guys never get to tell their grandchildren? On that note, sleep well, folks.
– I loved the admiral’s reaction to the other guy at the end. He totally hesitated on shaking that warmonger’s hand.