Title: 4/5 Fun Fantasy Tale of Friendship


Bryanna and her new friend Kaylee (sorry about spelling, I heard the audio) go on a long, perilous journey that could determine the fate of Scotland.

Additional Comments:

  • Bryanna and Kaylee’s friendship goes through natural ups and downs. Their loyalties are tested in numerous ways.
  • Because this is a fantasy, the plot takes some delightful and weird twists and turns. At times, the journey seemed simply for the sake of the journey, but overall, the plot moved nicely to the climax.
  • Bryanna’s got a good heart. That comes through pretty clearly.
  • I love how the cover reflects what’s inside. It’s beautiful and will have more meaning after you’ve read/listened to it.
  • Along the way the girls get into some crazy situations. That keeps the journey interesting.
  • Some of the hidden nature of certain relationships seemed ridiculous in the long run, more for the reader’s benefit of surprise than for the main character.
  • Bryanna and Kaylee are likable main characters. I suppose Kaylee could be seen as a side character, but if she is, she’s very well-developed.
  • The narrator did a wonderful job with all the tough pronunciations.
  • The end was a tad anticlimactic. I think the end battle took place in about ten minutes.



A strong tale of friendship set in fantasy settings.


As Always …

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Julie C. Gilbert

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