Indie Author Survival Kit:

  1. Write book
  2. Publish book
  3. Promote book
  4. Repeat until … ???

Define Your Goals (Yet be Realistic):

What do you want most out of this?

Do you want to be rich and famous? (Probably the wrong line of business.)

Do you want to share stories with perfect strangers and make some money while doing it? (You’re in the right place.)

Do you want to build a small business that can be a second source of income?

(Still figuring that one out, but I’m slowly getting there. Will keep you posted once I finally learn the ins and outs of making that happen.)

Enjoy the Small Wins:

Example small wins: a good review, a spike in sales, a new relationship formed with a reader.

When you’re just starting out or you’re not particularly good at marketing (me), enjoy the small wins. I’m slowly taking baby steps to make this more of a real thing, but for now, I’m building relationships, meeting people where I can, networking, and trying to absorb the life lessons writing/publishing can teach us.

But I’m just not good at promoting myself…

You’re going to have to be. It might not be comfortable, but if you want people to read your stuff, they need to be able to find it. This is as much a pep talk to myself as to you. Be open to new ideas. Experiment with various advertising opportunities. I’ve yet to get a Bookbub feature, but I’ve also been doing all my marketing wrong for years. Once I fix those fundamental flaws, prove I can get some sales, then I’ll try again. But just casting stuff into a void isn’t working.

Oh, and Keep Writing:

Do this because you love it. You’ve been gifted with the ability to take words and weave them into fantastic tales. Hone the craft. Get better. If you enjoy it, the process won’t seem like work. Keep coming back to the “why do I write” idea. It’s fun. It’s satisfying. It’s fulfilling. If none of those words are ringing a bell, this probably isn’t the thing for you. Keep writing new stories. Even if the old ones are doing great, have new stuff to get out there. Series are all the rage today, but you don’t have to do a series. There are literally thousands of tales to be told and every story has some elements of other ones. Fairy tale retellings are even a thing. Put your own twist on something.

I’m assuming fiction, but there’s plenty of reasons to write nonfiction too. Odds are good that you have some skill or talent or knowledge that would benefit others. Share it. You’re not in this alone. Reach out to other indie authors and get connected.

I write science fiction, YA, mystery/thriller, Christian mystery, fantasy, and poetry. If any of that stuff appeals to you, feel free to reach out to me one of the ways below. I’d be happy to give you my two cents on a matter. If you write in different genres, look around. Find an author you love and reach out to them. If they’re indie, they will likely get back to you. Most indie authors I know are very active on social media. Best of luck.

Thanks for reading!

Julie Gilbert 2013 (5 of 25)

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