Fantastic Creatures Anthology Release and Scavenger Hunt!

Fantastic Creatures Anthology Release and Scavenger Hunt!

Introduction: Good morning (or afternoon or evening). Today we welcome Bokerah Brumley and her insights into the Fantastic Creatures Anthology. I’d never heard of a Hum-Fairy, have you?? Bokerah’s Words of Wisdom: Good things are on their way When a Hum-Fairy Comes to Stay. When the idea for A Fellowship of Fantasy Anthology: Fantastic Creatures…

Thoughts on Giving and Receiving Constructive Criticism for Fiction Works

Giving Constructive Criticism   Perspective: The Big Picture Writing a book isn’t hard. Writing a book well is very hard. Even if you have issues with pretty much everything in the story, there is still a respectable accomplishment in getting the book to where you see it. Seeking constructive criticism takes a lot of guts…