Audiobook Reviews 3/5 Stars: Companion of Darkness by CJ Rutherford

Audiobook Reviews 3/5 Stars: Companion of Darkness by CJ Rutherford

Narrated by Ginger Sue and Dustin Spiehler Summary: A fairy is chosen to be a companion for a sadistic princess. Additional Comments: 2.5/5 Main Character: Finished the book yesterday and I honestly can’t remember the main character’s name. That tells me she’s not that memorable. I remember she’s a fairy. She was clueless at the…

Audiobook Reviews: The King’s Trap by Peter Meredith

Audiobook Reviews: The King’s Trap by Peter Meredith

Introduction: This is a beautifully performed high fantasy story about a prince trying to regain his throne. Summary: Erieden fights for his throne, Ella tries to find her mother, and battles are found all over the place. This is definitely high fantasy – elves, dwarves, goblins, maug (?? sorry, I might not be spelling that…