Narrated Amy Gramour
Run Time: 3 hrs and 43 mins
Genre: Historical-ish
Abby Vaughn answers an ad to become a mail order bride for Brant Samson. He lost his beloved wife to illness. His oldest son doesn’t like her, but she’s determined to win him over.
Additional Comments:
- I’m used to these sorts of stories being Christian, so the sex scenes was a bit of a surprise. I don’t usually read the blurbs to books, but it’s nice to see that it mentions some language and sensual love scenes. Personally, it seems out of place in the genre. Closed door you know they’re doing it just fits better.
- There’s quite a bit of drama for a relatively short book.
- Part made me cry. I suppose that’s a triumph for the story.
- Parts meandered to nowhere. Brant wasn’t even remotely tempted with the other possible love interest. That would have added some tension and competition for Abby.
- The kid’s anger seemed disproportionate and misplaced, but I guess nobody ever accused kids of being completely rational beings.
- Character were pretty stereotypical, but I feel like that is what’s expected for the genre. The jealous girl one didn’t go far. The school teacher is infinitely patient and finds her way as the wife. The guy is ridiculously handsome. The little kids are cute. Older kiddos a handful- resentful and sullen.
- There was one twist that caught me by surprise.
I’m probably going to stick with the Christian Fiction versions of such tales from now on, but it was interesting to hear this.
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Ones I think may still have US codes: Reshner’s Royal Ranger, Never Again, Innova, The Golden City Captives, The Holy War, Reclaim the Darklands, Eagle Eyes, Treachery Makes it Tense, Ashlynn’s Dreams Shorts, The Dark Side of Science, Ashlynn’s Dreams, Nadia’s Tears, Malia’s Miracles, and Varick’s Quest
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Redeemer Chronicles (Fantasy)
Awakening – Redeemer Chronicles Book 1, MG fantasy (Amazon) (free codes)
The Holy War – Redeemer Chronicles Book 2, MG fantasy (Amazon) (free codes)
Reclaim the Darklands – Redeemer Chronicles Book 3, MG fantasy (Amazon) (free codes)
River’s Edge Ransom – Prequel to Redeemer Chronicles (Amazon) (email devyaschildren @ gmail.com for free codes)

Devya’s Children Series Links:
Ashlynn’s Dreams Shorts – short stories featuring Jillian. (Amazon) (free codes)
The Dark Side of Science – official prequel to Devya’s Children; Genetically altered kids fight for the right to live. (Amazon) (Please email devyaschildren @ gmail.com for free codes)
Ashlynn’s Dreams – Genetically altered Dream Shaper learns her gift. (Amazon) (free codes)
Nadia’s Tears – Jillian tries to awaken her sister, Nadia, from a coma. (Amazon) (free codes)
Malia’s Miracles – Jillian and her siblings try to save a friend’s mother. (Amazon) (free codes)
Varick’s Quest – Jillian and Danielle get kidnapped. Nadia’s also in trouble. (Amazon) (free codes)
More Scifi:
Reshner’s Royal Ranger (epic sci-fi) just made it there. (Amazon) (free codes)

Guardian Angel Files:
Spirit’s Bane – Allister and Mina are training to be Guardians. Satan’s out to get them. (Amazon) (free codes)
Kindred Spirits – Mina’s exiled to Earth. Allister’s stuck in the Heavens. (Amazon) (free codes)