Hi, thanks for joining me today. Tell me about yourself.
I grew up in a small town in Idaho, graduated from college with a BA in Computer Systems Information . I married a man who loves to travel and is handy when things need fixing. For 20 years, I operated a small screen print and embroidery business. When I retired I joined a writing group at the library. They taught me everything I know about writing, formatting, and self-publishing.
What do you do for fun?
We travel to different countries. At home, we go jeeping in the desert.
Who or what inspires you the most?
I love Agatha Christie and Isaac Asimov’s books. After reading all my life, I wanted to write the stories I wanted to read.
Tell us about your Vella story:
I first heard about vella in January, I had a short story with 10 episodes and since that did well. I decided to enter a novel I had finished, Eye of the Kingdom, the third book in a series. I first wrote about the MC in a previous series as a child. Now, he is in his early twenties. He is learning how to relate to a strange planet and an alien man who desires his girl.
Are there any deep themes or messages in the book the readers should be aware of?
How a young man deals with anger and learns about leadership.
What gave you the idea for this book?
I used this story to continue the series, Secrets of Arret. The same characters and location had been set.
How long did the book take to write?
3 months. I wrote this book during nanowrimo and finished with 65K words. I now have 71K, which means there will be a lot of episodes.
Who designed the cover?
I did, I have a Coreldraw software I used in my business for design work.
Do you write in other genres?
Yes, Urban Fantasy and travel mysteries.
Tell us about one other book or series and why it’s important to you.
I have three other series, one a UF that I started in nanowrimo long time ago. I did the first book in 11 days. It’s about a thirty-ish woman who lost her husband to an accident. Next she finds herself in a strange land with even stranger people. They help her and decide her husband was murdered.
What other writers/people do you consider inspirational?
Mysteries by Diane Mott Davison.
What got you into writing?
When I retired I needed something to keep me busy. Our library advertised a writing group. I always wanted to write but since my HS grades weren’t the best, I put it off. From that group I became proficient. It took me 2 years to publish my first book. I have since, re-edit it three times.
What is your writing process?
First I mull a story over in my mind, then I’ll sit and write 2000-3000 words at a time. When the characters take on a life of their own, I just record what they are doing.
When do you consider a work complete?
When all aspects are answered and the characters are happy and satisfied. Then I leave a small twist for the reader if I’m going to add another book to the series.
Random Stuff
What animal do you most relate to?
Answer: Poodle, I’ve owned 3 toys.
What are you non-writing hobbies or interests?
Answer: Traveling and writing about it.
If you had $100 to buy something for somebody else, what would you buy, who would you give it to, and why?
Answer: My neighbor. She’s disabled and our health issues are similar, so we are like twins.
What’s your “new” as in most recent favorite movie?
I like the Heartland series
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