4 More Freebies – Grab Bag – Children’s, Romance, Fantasy

4 More Freebies – Grab Bag – Children’s, Romance, Fantasy

Introduction: We’ve moved from weird to romance. Now, let’s settle on sweet and nostalgic and romantic. Eh, life’s like a box of chocolates and all that. Children’s Tale He Whistles for the Cricket by Gwen Walker I can’t make heads or tails of that title, but the story sounds lovely. Second Chance at Love Still…

Audiobook Reviews: 4/5 stars Treasure: Seed Savers by S. Smith

Audiobook Reviews: 4/5 stars Treasure: Seed Savers by S. Smith

  Summary: Two siblings, Dante and Claire, go on a journey to find a place where they can be safe from an overbearing government, a place where people can grow real food without fear.   Additional Comments: – The premise – that genetically altered, government sanctioned plants and processes have taken over America – is…

Audiobook Reviews: 4/5 The Time Pedaler by Michael Maxwell and Tally Scully

Audiobook Reviews: 4/5 The Time Pedaler by Michael Maxwell and Tally Scully

  Summary: Chant Baker finds and old time machine in the basement of his parents’ shop. He uses it to visit a few key spots in history and solve a small mystery. Additional Comments: – It’s middle grade appropriate. – I’m not big on time travel books in general because logic always messes with my…

Awesome Audiobooks: 5/5 Stars Princess Kayla and the Dragon Who Wouldn’t Clean Up

5/5 Princess Kayla and the Dragon Who Wouldn’t Clean Up Most of the things I’ve been reviewing have been available through audible, but this one came through it’s own app. Summary: It’s been a long time since I’ve read a choose-your-own adventure type book. This one’s pretty much summed up by the title. It’s about…

Awesome Audiobook Reviews: 4.5/5 stars Cora and the Nurse Dragon

Awesome Audiobook Reviews: 4.5/5 stars Cora and the Nurse Dragon

Introduction: Prior to listening to this book, my experience with dragons was very limited. That said, I enjoyed the new twist the author gave to dragons in general. The story contains some violence at the end, but overall, I would still consider it kid-friendly. If you’re a dragon fan, you will want to get to…

Audiobook Reviews: Story Keeping: The Night I became a Hero by AR Marshall

Audiobook Reviews: Story Keeping: The Night I became a Hero by AR Marshall

Introduction: I really am expanding my reading these days. A while ago, I’d done a series of reviews on Carol P. Roman’s “If you were me and lived in __” series. I think I also reviewed a picture book about bugs. Other than that, it’s been some time. These days, I tend to be more…